Tag Archives: dogs

Writing challenge: New Years Resolutions (Doompocalypse Redux)

Oh not the end of the world....Again!

Oh not the end of the world….Again!

I guess if that comet’s on its way I’d better get serious about what I’m going to do in my last 3 months!

Here are my three resolutions and its a bit of a twist on the usual 3R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle (I figured if the planet’s going kaboom in 3 months it won’t make a whole lot of difference!)*

1) Reduce
2) Rekindle
3) Remember

1) I resolve to reduce the amount of time spent paying bills, dusting, shopping, weeding and worrying about life in general, after all, what’s the point? I also resolve to reduce my stash of craft supplies by using as much of it up as humanly possible (hopefully the comet will take a bit longer than 3 months).

2) I resolve to rekindle all those friendships I’ve let slip by the wayside over the years and let every one of them know just how much they mean to me. I would also rekindle a bit of one on one time with himself – going out to nice restaurants (no point in saving money), going out to the movies, laughing as much as possible and learning to salsa (ha some hopes even if the end is nigh!)

3) I resolve to remember every wonderful moment experienced in my life – sunrise in Scotland, sunset in Western Australia, clear star-studded skies in the Grampians, swimming in lakes and skiing down mountains. I will remember every time I have laughed until I cried with friends and family and every loving embrace. Most of all I would remember the overwhelming love and joy when I held my babies for the first time and the continuing joy of watching them grow into young men.

I am reminded when I look at this that every moment we have is precious and not to be wasted. Every tree, moonlit sky and baby’s smile more valuable than gold and diamonds.

* oh and just in the hope and expectation that we do have longer than 3 months I would like to reaffirm my belief in taking care of our beautiful planet by reducing, reusing and recycling!

Wishing you all a creative and joyful 2013.

Up the garden path (with a dog)!


Well actually I don’t know whether this is a garden path quilt but I do know that I started it on a retreat about 3 years ago and I’m mighty relieved that I finished stitching on the binding last night at our monthly get together. Wow what a good feeling (must remember to do the lable though).

I started it after finishing a quilt for my mum’s 80th which was a mixture of pink, cream and green florals and thought I had better use the left-overs up, so having seen a friend make a similar pattern I made the triangle blocks up and in between placed a nine-patch and this was what I got.

I machine quilted it myself using the diagonal lines as a guide.

Finished at last – garden path quilt

I can’t say that these are my usual colours I would choose and I had some serious reservations about the dark green but still it has a bit of old fashioned charm and will still be nice to wrap around on a cool night!

Photographer’s assistant just helping out!

By the way if anyone does know the name of this pattern, feel free to let me know but I won’t be changing the title as it took me long enough to think of this one!