Monthly Archives: December 2013

Baby Boy Quilt


I am feeling a bit guilty for being away from the blog for so long! It’s a bit like when you haven’t phoned a friend for a long time and you know you should have done and the longer it goes, the harder it gets.

I got this fabric a few months ago when a local patchwork shop was closing down and I just couldn’t resist it. Well the baby I started making it for is too big for it now… but luckily another baby boy has come along in the mean time so he will now be getting this one!

2013-12-04 13.30.15

I decided to keep it really simple and make it out of six blocks.

2013-08-07 14.49.16

A little bit of sashing around the blocks and using up all the offcuts for the outer border and this is how it turned out:
2013-12-04 13.29.58

I am just waiting for it to come back from my quilting lady, Natalie who will be quilting a kite design in pale aqua all over it – can’t wait to see it and I will show you how it turns out.