4 responses »

  1. Thank you for the nomination to the Liebster Award. I’ll answer the questions tomorrow when I get home – gives me time to think too. (laughs) I also need to find out how to link your site – at 62 I’m technically challenged but I’m also sure I can find out!!
    Have a great day ♥

    • You are very welcome. I struggle with technicalities too so don’t worry!

      As far as linking goes when you are making a new post and typing in a word that you want to link ie. thecraftypioneer – just highlight that word then click on the link button which is at the top of the text box. Another little box will pop up with http// at which point you just type in the address of where you are linking to ie. thecraftypioneer.com and that’s it you just click on Add or link ( can’t remember what comes up now). Now when you preview your post, you should see that word in a different colour and you can try it out by clicking on it.

      Hope I haven’t added to your confusion!!



      Sent from my iPad

  2. Hi Sue, I have been trying to get the pattern to Nellie’s Bears by Narelle Bower with no luck. Would there be anyway I could pay you for a copy of it? Your work is beautiful! Thanks Debbie

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